
Last Thursday my 10-year-old and 8-year-old granddaughters and I went to get a treat at the B-Street used bookstore in San Mateo. I had earlier refused to buy the $30 dragon figures at Talbot's toy store, but I could be talked into spending money on books.

After about 1/2 hour of browsing, the 10-yr-old chose Edgar A Guest's COLLECTION OF VERSE. I was surprised, but she said, "I looked at some of the poems and I liked them. I want to write poetry and this will inspire me."

The 8-yr-old is competitive and she chose another volume of the same book. She said, "Look, it's a 937 page book and has a special cover." Her book was a special gift edition with a second box cover and also came edged with gold leaf. She was proud to outdo her sister.

I thought it a slight waste of resources not to spend my money on getting a different book, but I said, "I'm pleased to spend $30 on books."

Our next stop was lunch. At lunch and for the rest of the afternoon, both girls shouted out page numbers and read poems together out loud. After we got home the 10-yr-old marked her favorite poems with stickies.

I particularly liked IT COULDN'T BE DONE, copied and sent it email to a friend explaining the acquisition process. After I returned home to Seattle, I explained the incident to my husband, Sam. He said, "Edgar A Guest is also one of my favorite poets. I want a book too." So I called B-Street Books and ordered another volume for ourselves.

Now we can send the page numbers to each other and enjoy the poems together. I hear our granddaughter's father heard them reading some of the poems yesterday and liked IT COULDN'T BE DONE. He doesn't know that I had chosen to copy that same poem out of the 900+ choices I had.