Amygdala is where emotions s...

Amygdala is where emotions such as fear or pleasure are processed. One way to find it is to stick a finger in the ear. We can learn and develop skills for more satisfaction by practicing good thinking

Our grandchildren sent me a podcast story from Stitcher Radio - stories for bedtime, car rides and kids - where the grandma answers, most occurrences and issues that come up in the family, with the words, "Good news, bad news!"

Grandma has figured out a way to turn on and off the Amygdala switch (your emotional thermostat). Research suggests the Amygdala also enhances memory by heightening the emotion related to the incident. Niel Slade's research states this includes logical and intuitive perception of future events. Slade further suggests ways to "supercharge the Frontal Lobes" for sharpening ones mind.

Conversely, a Japanese study on NHK television showed how "stress" - we no longer have to flee or fight wild animals as cave dwellers; and is replaced by modern living - grows extra nerve endings. Therefore, the Amygdala more efficiently transmits messages to our body organs and especially the adrenals. This produces extra Cortisol that causes problems in our arteries that lead to Heart Disease, Diabetes, Cancer and a host of other problems..

Slade further suggests there is an Anterior Amygdala and Posterior Amygdala. Turning on the Anterior causes pleasure and peace of mind. Turning on the Posterior causes discomfort, paranoia, fear, rage and emotional pain.

Grandma is right, "Good news, Bad news!" We stimulate our brain with thought. Thought and electrochemical brain activity are inseparable. The question is: What am I doing to learn and develop the skills for controlling my thoughts so I can spend more of my time with pleasure and peace-of-mind?