What Gets You Out of Bed in the Morning?
IKIGAI is seen ...

IKIGAI is seen as the source of value or what make one’s life truly worthwhile in Okinawa, Japan.

When asked, "What is the single most powerful contributing factor to one’s health and vitality?" integrative medical doctor, Oscar Serrallach, answered without hesitation: "having a sense of purpose." Serrallach went on to describe that while some of his patients have developed great regimes of nutrition, lifestyle activities and movement to support their wellbeing; those without a clear sense of purpose in their life experience continuing struggle with physical health issues. The distinguishing quality of many of his healthiest patients – those who  transcend common health challenges despite not having lived by the book, in terms of healthy lifestyle factors – is that they seem to be the most aligned or ‘called’ towards some primary focus of meaning in their life.

Take a moment to draw your own version of the overlapping circles of the ikigai symbol and consider the following:

What do you Love? What aspects of your life bring you into your heart and make you come alive? - For me it's meeting and having lunch or coffee with someone from whom I can learn something.

What are you Great at? What unique skills do you have that come most naturally to you? What talents have you cultivated and what do you excel at even when you aren’t trying? - I have worked at starting new projects and staying with them until they are well established. My mission is: TO BRING OUT THE BEST IN MYSELF AND OTHERS.

What Cause do you believe in? What breaks your heart or pulls at your gut? What change would you most love to create in the world? What would you give your life for? - When I completed my master's at the U of W School of Nursing, it occurred to me that people in our own back yards need as much help as the homeless and drug addicted. I have dedicated my life to helping people of all ages learn and keep strong heritage values to take responsibility for their own well-being so we don't have to depend on government welfare and such.

What do people Value and pay you for? What service, value or offering do you bring, or could you bring, that brings real value to others? Something people need and are happy to pay for or share some value in exchange? - Sam and I have created a 40-yr-old business of sharing supplements and personal growth, GOTO-HEALTH, that offers us scientifically researched ways to bring out energy to do the things we love.

Take a few minutes to write whatever key words, phrases and ideas come up for you in each circle, then look for areas of natural overlap. Reflect on the sum total of these elements and how they may relate to each other. Bring yourself quietly to the centre of the circles and leave space in your mind for whatever impulse or calling may emerge naturally in the coming days… What is one simple thing you could do or be today that would be an expression of your ikigai?

Physically, what gets me up is that I have to go to the bathroom!!!!