Secret To Long Life - HARA HACHI BU


Although Okinawa is one of the poorer regions of Japan, it boasts the highest average life expectancy - living to be 100 or more. One of the reasons is a Japanese philosophy "Hara Hachi Bu" - Belly 80% full.

Okinawas don’t just live to a ripe old age, they also age gracefully, look much younger than they should and they retain their physical and mental capacities. Their rate of heart disease and cancer mortality is much lower than it is in the US and other Western countries.

The origin of this term is from Confucius, and attributed to the Okinawans, but I have heard my Japanese friends repeat this phrase as a term known and used in their daily Japanese life.

A Harvard health blog suggests we eat more slowly because it takes 20 minutes for the stomach to send a signal that it is full/satisfied.