Lombardi Stadium with clock -...

Lombardi Stadium with clock - On time is 15 minutes late.

Basically, it worked like this: Lombardi expected his players and coaches to be 15 minutes early to meetings and practices. Not on time -- 15 minutes early. If they weren't, he considered them "late." Thus, it came to be called Lombardi time.

Being on time is being considerate of everyone. Being considerate is a value sometimes taken to a science in the Japanese culture so I've figured out a way to honor this value of consideration by being on time.

I have a friend who is always late and often up to an hour late. At first I used to try being late myself. That didn't make me feel good. So I decided to plan and list a bunch of things I could do while waiting - this also applies to appointments like renewing my driver's license or waiting at the doctor's office, etcetera.

I can carry some knitting projects, have a book in my purse, do some journaling, write a draft of a letter, answer text messages, answer emails, make a grocery list, plan my next vacation.

Therefore, I love being comfortable by adding 15 minutes to my travel time and using Lombardi time as my guide for appointments, meetings, any event. Yesterday, I had to use the time to turn around and go back home because I forgot my cell phone. I also had to get gas. Lucky, I had the extra time.