

“Gambatte” represents a host of strong Japanese heritage values. It’s a word said by mothers as they send their children and family off to school, abroad, work and the unknown. The implication is “do your best”, “overcome obstacles”, “as you proceed, be polite and don’t disgrace yourself”, “accomplish your goals”.

It’s been over a month Grandma Dee has been in California with family. There is a network of friends, relatives and business associates who have physically shared their resources - homes, time, prayers, advice, written communication, physical presence.

One good friend said, “I see that the girls are genuine in being, who they really are.” The tutor wrote Dee a text, “They are so eager, smart, quick and appreciative, a joy to teach! And even more importantly, they are sensitive, compassionate and intuitive. That has to have been fostered on some level. Your family is doing a wonderful job. You have a lot to be proud of.” And as said by one of the girls, “I love learning.”

Wherever they have been - and they have been all over for two months now - the girls quickly integrate with playmates, adults and whomever we are with for the day. Here at the apartment complex swimming pool, which is almost daily, they seem to find friends easily. They are excited to start school this fall.

All the ‘plates’ - work, living space, mothering, legal issues - are kept spinning; thanks to a close network of truly remarkable relationships. There is joy, unbelievability and inspiration as Grandma watches arms around the girls and at the same time answering potential $$$ business emails or texts.

What IS needed are PRAYERS and ‘collective energy’ for, “For Looking at the big picture and not get caught up in small details.” A strong “shield” is forming against all the self-serving arrows that keep getting thrown weekly and also gratitude for the practice. The goal is to take life as it is and comes, moving forward.

Grandma Dee finds herself continuing to be the ‘peacemaker’ during rough seas and appreciates the distractions as she sails to new ports. The word is GAMBATTE!!