"Doing what's right is hard to...

"Doing what's right is hard to do
when no one is watching but "dog" and you! -sg

Today, I’m feeling tested as to how much I can rely on people’s words.

I grew up assuming, I needed to be true to my word. Isn’t the “truth” important? Isn’t even a hand-shake a contract to fulfilling a commitment? Passing on our heritage values of the Samurai Spirit means “keeping our word”.

Last Monday, Best buy delivered a stovetop and oven. It was 6pm when the delivery arrived so the installers did not have the time to complete the installation. They said they would come back the next morning, but never showed up.

I was on the phone all afternoon Tuesday and finally got an appointment at 6:45p for installers to come back four days hence to finish the job. Meanwhile, the old appliances were out in my driveway and the oven remained on the kitchen floor all the rest of the week. They did come as promised on Saturday and completed the installation to my satisfaction. Does that exonerate Best Buy?

What about being on time? Isn’t that a promise?

“He says” or “she says” are no longer valued by the courts, even if it's the truth, because we have learned to be so manipulative?

Sam was as a straight shooter. He hated “white lies”. If he had a deadline, and he had them all his dental lab career, he stayed up all night if he had to. He did not cut corners, he was loyal to doing the best he knew how.

Sam always liked to put some humor into his contributions. “Word” backwoods is “Drow” the definition for drow is: dark elves are a generally evil, dark-skinned, and white-haired subrace of elves in the Dungeons & Dragons fantasy roleplaying game.

Do Drows keep their word?