Sam was born at 3am on 1-1...

Sam was born at 3am on 1-13-33, at 1303 Washington Street. We learned about this when we went to get Sam's birth certificate for a visa to go on a trip to Japan in 1971.

The number thirteen played actively throughout Sam Goto’s life. During his last days alive, we all knew he was dying and Kelly asked her dad, “If you find out you can communicate in the next life, what’s some sign we can watch for?”

Sam kind of brushed it off, and could hardly put his words together but said, “Look for number 13.”

I flew to San F yesterday, August 1, 2018. Our daughter’s car got a flat tire on the way to her apartment from the airport. Thank goodness we got through San F and Sausalito and it happened one exit before her exit. Kelly called Uber so I could replace the baby sitter. She also called AAA road service. The last time her car was serviced, the "lug nut key” was not put back where it was supposed to be inside the vehicle, so the AAA guy brought her home and left the car.

This morning, I took the girls to their summer camp by Uber. I went to the teacher’s staff room at this school and got on the phone to see if we could get the tire fixed before Kelly had to drive to her appointment with her lawyer in the afternoon in San Mateo.

I called Land Rover for an appointment, but they had none. Brandon referred me to Toscalito Tire Service nearby in Corte Madera. I talked with Paul and explained that I would have the car towed to his shop if he could change the tire by early afternoon. He could, but first I needed to make sure we could get the right tire. I called Land Rover back and they needed a vin number. Brandon sent me to Steve at parts and yes, they had the tire.

Uber was called, but I had to stop back at the apartment to get the car keys; meanwhile, calling AAA and arranging a tow to Toscalito Tire Service. Paul at Toscalito said, I can’t do anything until you get the “Lug Nut Key”. Then he got an idea, “We have our own supplier for tires, but maybe I can talk to Steve at Land Rover, buy the tire from him and ask to borrow the master set of “Lug Nut Keys”. So Paul called Steve, made the arrangement and sent his assistant across the freeway to Land Rover, who came back with both.

They tried all the keys in the box, but none would fit. Paul said maybe we can try breaking the lug nuts off like the thieves do. It worked. Kelly was within 5 minutes of renting a car to get to her appointment in San Mateo with the lawyer, but didn’t have to do so. YEAH PAUL, nothing like good service!!!

Paul showed me the master key box and there was a empty slot where #113 was missing. I told Paul the story of the significance of #13 in our life.

So, when Kelly got to Toscalito to pick up the car, Paul showed Kelly the box and we had a good cry, knowing Dad was looking out for her.

I’m back at Kelly’s apartment waiting for the girls to get home from their play date after their day at camp was over and here they come.