

Last week I had a discussion with Cousin Gary at a family gathering. He shared about his excitement of THE POWER OF NOW and Eckhart Tolle who is presenting in Seattle this October. One of my favorite Tolle quotes is: “The only thing you ever have is now.”

Today, OUR NEW SHAKLEE DIRECTOR, ANDREW, sent an affirmation: “One day you’ll wake up and there won’t be any more time to do the things you’ve always wanted. DO IT NOW.”

Today, I chose to be more present in what I’m doing. This morning I started to unload the dishwater and noticed how I want to just get it done as fast as possible. Then I changed to appreciating the convenience and how I have a place in my kitchen for all the pieces to go. The dishes are items that have brought a lot of pleasure through the years and I was unloading the dishwasher full of dishes that had served my guests last night. Put a smile on my face!

I am not my thoughts. I am what I do with my thoughts. Some of what I choose to do can be great. Some of how I react is not so great. “Mindfulness” gives me time to choose what I want.

I choose not to listen to a lot of the news because the news is a business and needs to created reactions with negative and frightening stories.

I am looking at a napkin holder in my kitchen done in bronze: “DO IT NOW”.