Dave Dahl spent 15 years in p...

Dave Dahl spent 15 years in prison and
realized he wasn't even a successful criminal.
Dave's Killer Bread is built on the belief
that everyone is capable of greatness.

This morning I had a toasted piece of Dave’s Killer Bread with lots of butter. I love bread, but we rarely had any in our house these past 40 years to avoid Diabetes. The packaging and the fact that it was thin-sliced caught my eye at New Season’s Market a couple months ago. The label verified the fact that it was full of healthy ingredients and I loved the taste when I had a piece.

Everyone around me seemed to know the story behind the bread but me. I decided to google the story on YouTube. Wow, was I inspired!

The words I wrote on my notebook are, “GENERATIONAL WEALTH CREATION; wealth of spirit, health, assets and hope!” It fit all the areas that I’m passionate about.

There are three areas on which I plan to focus, now that I need to restart a new life. First, I don’t have to move out of the house in which I’ve hated being in alone for the last 21 months. I love having friends and relatives over for lunch/dinners.

Second, we are writing, publishing and distributing a book of SAMURAI SHIGERU The art & wisdom of Sam Goto. The proceeds will go to the Japanese Cultural and Community Center for it’s contributions to the city of Seattle. The passing on heritage values of INTEGRITY and cultural disciplines relate to all ethnic communities but it was Sam and my obsession.

The Japanese had a period of peace, from 1600 to 1800AD, which gave the people of Japan a place with cultural arts where they could put their energy instead of for wars. Therefore, the Japanese cultural values were developed to almost become a science of responsibility. Those of us with Japanese heritage here in the US are an example of overcoming the hardships of incarceration during WWII and of now being the highest per capita income group with the US census here in Washington State.

My third area is the Counseling and Nutrition business I’ve had for the last 43 years featuring the Shaklee products for good health. Shaklee helped fulfill Sam’s dream to be healthy and he was still climbing stairs until shortly before his death at age 85.

Dave Dahl’s story inspires me to continue to build and create the legacy and stories that I weave and write for those who choose to benefit, but I particularly have my great grandchildren in mind.