At age 80, I intend to live upri...

At age 80, I intend to live
upright, driving as long as is safe,
climbing our stairs
until I die.

Telomeres are those things at the end of our chromosomes. They protect the Chromosomes when they duplicate and longer Telomeres mean a longer and better life. They are like the plastic at the end of our shoelaces that keep the shoelaces usable. Science says there are ways we can keep the Telomeres from shortening by our lifestyle choices.

Krissie has Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension and 8 years ago she was told she had six months to live. Her problem is shortness of breath and she was hardly able to walk across the room at one time. She still can’t maintain a full time job, but with medication she is able to do some part time work.

We had a discussion this last weekend about drugs and side effects. Krissie is not afraid of death, but one of the goals she decided was important for the rest of her life was to avoid dementia. I told her about Dr. Elizabeth Blackburn who got a Nobel Peace Prize in 2009 for her Telomere research and how she has chosen to be on the Shaklee Corporation board because of Shaklee’s solid science behind their products.

One of the scientific studies show that an 80-year-old like me, who has been consistent with Shaklee supplements for the last 20 years, has Telomere length equal to the average person in the control group that is 40-years-old. Shaklee has supplements focussing on avoiding Alzheimers and dementia - MindWorks and Vivix - that particularly protect cells as they duplicate!