Birthday Greeting & Break...

Birthday Greeting & Breakfast for Grandma Dee
Celebrating #81

Dee's present is a poem. Sam must have written it in the 1980s, on his blue Lab desk placemat, when Alice was secretary and the girls were gone. Kelly found it in the basement yesterday sorting and cleaning out the GOK (God Only Knows) room and put it in a frame.

by Sam Goto

A day in the life
of Dee Goto
Awake in the morning
about seven or so.

Tells Sam, her husband
about a dream or two
Then does the things
that we all do.

Shaklee Makeup
gives her skin a glow
Vitamins and Slim Plan
and she’s ready to go.

Phone orders to fill
customers to call
Sets the answer machine
so she can do it all.

Alice, her secretary
can hardly talk
She’s our of breath
after her morning walk.

Counseling a man
about his life
A teen age boy and
a Japanese wife.

Teaching English
can be fun
Then a music school meeting
keeps her on the run.

Chairs a Japanese
history project meeting
Then on to U.P.S. cause
time is fleeting

Delivers products
along the way
Smiling and talking
like she’s got all day.

Loaning and borrowing
from Kay and Fran
Helping everyone
the best she can.

Stopping to rest
she reads instead
Can’t seem to get
enough into her head.