Use (something) to maximum ...

Use (something) to maximum advantage
during this 2020 situation.

Going to the dictionary “leveraging” means: “to use something that you already have, such as a resource, in order to achieve something new or better: This new strategy is about leveraging the relationships we have with our customers.”

So what do I already have?

I have family. I have a house, paid for, with a great view. I have my health as I’m 81 years and on no medications. I have my interest in my Japanese Heritage, psychology, philosophy. I have social support - for things, advice, physical help, emotional and love. I have time to learn.

What is “the achievement of something new or better” mean?

I believe in innovation. Matt Ridley has written a book: HOW INNOVATION WORKS. “We need to change the way we think about innovation, to see it as an incremental, bottom-up, fortuitous process that happens to society as a direct result of the human habit of exchange, rather than as an orderly, top-down …. ‘INNOVATION FLOURISHES IN FREEDOM’.”

Covid has brought us all home, away from a top-down office/business, physically. Protests have taken away some national authority. So, where do I start “an incremental, bottom-up”?

What is the human habit of exchange?

My interpretation comes from Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. People skills, creative skills, exchanging skills surrounding food, clothing, shelter and security; as well as gaining respect, beauty, esthetics and fulfillment.


I’m choosing to add to my “ISOLATION DEGREE” - reading and writing as suggested by Dr. Jordon Peterson. Matt Ridley’s blog suggests: “It will be an innovation that eventually defeats the virus: a new vaccine, a new antiviral drug — or a new app to help us avoid contact with infected individuals.”

What’s my newest insight?

I choose to be optimistic! Ridley adds that when he was born in 1958, 2/3 of the world was considered in poverty. The latest figures state that 60k come out of poverty every day and the poverty level is 8%. That means we have more financial FREEDOM that will increase opportunities for "INNOVATION".

Victor Frankl in MAN’S SEARCH FOR MEANING, one of the most quoted individuals I know of writes. When he was held in Auschwitz and on bits of bread and water for sustenance he realized the prison guards could imprison his body, but he had FREEDOM of his mind!!!

I am Covid-Isolating and have ALL KINDS OF FREEDOM to LEVERAGE!!

Today, Lori Matsukawa, retired anchor from King 5 TV, interviewed me because I started the OMOIDE writing group in 1991. She will be leveraging this information for a virtual TOMODACHI event in August to raise money for the Japanese Cultural and Community Center of Washington.

We are encouraging viewers to join us in the fun of getting together to share our stories and write!!