

"Itadakimasu" is an essential phrase from my Japanese vocabulary. It's often translated as "I humbly receive," but in a mealtime setting, it's compared to "Let's eat," "Bon appétit," or "Thanks for the food." Some even liken it to the religious tradition of saying grace before eating. But the uses for itadakimasu extend far beyond food.

The Meaning of "Itadakimasu". いただく (Itadaku) is a phrase that is very polite with the meaning " to take ." Traditionally itadakimasu is used when taking something from someone with higher authority or position than oneself. In this sense, the head is bowed with the hands held, palms up, higher than the head to receive an item.

“Itadakimasu” literally translates to “I will humbly accept it,” but the translation does not reveal the deeper meaning. This phrase is meant to honor those involved with making the meal happen: the farmers and fishermen, in addition to your mum or dad (or whoever prepared your meal).

This is one of the Japanese phrases my 5th generation Japanese American Grandkids have mastered and are able to practice it daily when we all sit for most evening meals.

Trust that being American is to honor our heritage and maybe continue with some of the values that add meaning to our purpose in life!!