Illustration drawn by 13-yr-old

Illustration drawn by 13-yr-old

My initial thought was to write about the positive and negative outcomes of “GOSSIP” and how that shaped many of my choices in life. I asked my granddaughter to draw me an illustration to add.

Now I’m listening to parts of the Impeachment trial. There are emotional pictures spoken on both sides. I am moved as I listen.

Subsequently, it is up to me to analyze how I might write a blog and or talk to my social networks. So, I harken back to the dictionary definition of “gossip” first: "casual or unconstrained conversation or reports about other people, typically involving details that are not confirmed as being true.”

My first reaction was to not listen because it’s all political. Now that I have listened to both sides, I am excited that the democratic process is working!

Democracy means freedom of speech and we learn the most because there are varying opinions. Fortunately, I live where I don't have to agree with one side to pursue my learning and fulfillment activities. One of my favorites is BOOK TV where there is strong research as authors express their findings.

Fun to keep researching and writing to leave a legacy!