

Listening to and reading 12 RULES FOR LIFE and BEYOND ORDER, by Writer, Psychologist/Philosopher Dr. Jordon Peterson, I am led to clarify my identity. Peterson suggests that in playing my game of life, I develop a target or I will have nothing to aim for.

The first game I can remember playing as a 4-yr-old was the game of house. In my last blog post, I told the story of Sand Hollow and how Dickie Randall and I dug in the sand and adjacent cave, playing house.

At recess when I was in first grade, I remember a group of us gathered under an oak tree. We gathered the fall leaves, that had fallen, into the outlines of a house. I remember even creating a toilet in the section we made into a bathroom. There is incongruity in that picture memory of our play, because I was living in a farm house with only an outdoor toilet at that time in my life. But it does indicate what I saw as my future.

Moving on to the first years of playing house with Sam, when our first daughter was born. I remember I couldn't take my eyes off this wonderful gift of humanity. We watched her sleeping, awakening and playing for the whole first year, saying to each other, “Last year she was a nothing."

Assuming there would be a good chance I would live to see great grandchildren, I asked myself, "What do I need to do as a mother to ensure, self-reliant, responsible, generous and well-adjusted great grandchildren.”

Much of my circumstances have recently changed at age 82 and I am choosing to paint a target that enhances my original pictures. Peterson says, “The best way is to "write" and begin by choosing a problem that you can help to solve.”

My choice is to identify and clarify my target. This is not easy for me. I have a hard time saying that I am a writer. As described by Peterson, “God created us all equal.” We are all filled with voices both good and bad or evil. It’s up to us to take responsibility and choose. The problem is: The voices minute by minute distract me from my target.

Breaking my words down to implementable behavior, I choose to play “WRITER”. I am choosing playmates - mentors as well as learners I can help - that will help me stay on track. When I hit the target, I will have published a novel on the Japanese in America Experience.