See all the fruit bulbs from wh...

See all the fruit bulbs from
which the flowers originally hung?

Where am I putting my energy toward a fulfilling life? I just spent the last hour redirecting the energy of the fuchsia plants hanging across the front of our house. What we want are thriving branches with flowers to show off beauty and inspire us.

Watering daily is a given, but in the month or two that we’ve had the plants, I’ve not paid attention to the beauty for the rest of this year’s growing. The first thing I do is to pull off the dead flowers and bulbs that become fruit if I want the energy to be redirected to new flower buds.

Similarly, in my life, I am thinking of where my energy is directed beyond the “watering” or daily essentials. I need to cut off putting energy into what I no longer want?

My goal is to develop inspiring Japanese Heritage related stories that are flowers, of a legacy of values for a better world, that carries on to the next generations.