Wedding Card Created with Pr...

Wedding Card Created with Pressed Flowers
Birds also created with the petals

This week I visited Mariko for two nights on the Washington Coast in Raymond. We watched the Olympic events as well as the Seattle Mariner’s come from behind and win from 0 - 7 to 11-8 over the Houston Astros. We also spent all those hours comparing our choices and thoughts about our marriages as both of us have lost our husbands in the last 6 years.

According to Lewis Howes, all American Football star, in his U-Tube interviewed by Tom Bilyeu of Impact Theory, “Love is not enough.” Lewis recently figured out that one must always improve skills in relationships and marriage as well. His suggestion is to constantly question, “What’s missing that can be improved?” He is equating marriage goals to his sports goals outlined in he his book, THE SCHOOL OF GREATNESS.

Mariko spent her growing up years, in Japan, with interest in sports and art more than boys and marriage. She said she started her arranged marriage to Joe with commitment, despite having no interest in cooking or domestic skills. Therefore, she gained respect and love later as she helped meet their family-life building needs.

After the children were gone from the nest, she continued to help her husband achieve their financial and social endeavors but was clear about not losing her own art goals. Joe also passed feeling fulfilled in the Oyster business and golf. Today, July 30th, is Mariko’s 81st birthday and she is clear about country living with a fulfilling art filled life. She also fills me with tasty and healthy meals during my visits.

My own marriage started with mutual attraction and love, but it is clear the success of Sam and my 56 years of togetherness was of doing and sharing the hard work, without criticism, and with respect for each other’s interest and needs. I blog and share our mutually agreed upon legacy of our stories and Japanese Heritage Values of KAISEN -.constant improvement!

The whole wedding card was made, during my visit, with pressed flowers and foliage from Mariko’s yard. Pictures created with pressed flowers, like this wedding card, are examples of her art and various talents. I also brought home several bonsai dish gardens.

I will suggest to the couple receiving this card that each flower petal represents one of the many decision they will be making for improvement in their marriage. The result will be a beautiful rainbow of fulfillment for their lives.