

After the Nakanishis lost their dairy business in the early 1930s, they bought property, in their American born daughter’s name, for lettuce farming just south of Renton along the East Valley highway near the 180th road. Mr. Nakata was hired to help with the farming and after work, his favorite thing to do was to go across East Valley Highway to SPOTS TAVERN for a drink.

Unfortunately, one evening, Mr. Nakata didn’t make it back across the highway and was hit by a car and died.

Sunday, after the accident, the White River Valley baseball team won another game with Sutt Nakanishi as catcher and clean-up hitter. Younger brother Mush Nakanishi was also on the team. The team members were having their usual Chinese food for dinner and talking about the tragedy of Mr. Nakata getting killed. They started joking about a story that his ghost had also been seen.

Later when Sutt and Mush got home, it was already getting dark. Their home was temporary housing in a barn while a new house was being built further up on the property for their family of twelve.

Sutt said to Mush, “Let’s go down there where Mr. Nakata was killed and check out the story we heard today about the ghost.” Laughing about how it was stupid to be scared of ghosts, they heading down the slope. As they crossed over the field where they grew the lettuce, they came to East Valley Highway.

As they approached the highway, they were no longer laughing because they felt a chill in the summer air. Mush stopped first, “I don’t know about you brother, but I think that white thing is coming toward us!”. With that, they began running back uphill and ran into the barn. They explained to Mama what they had seen. Mama was not surprised and told them, “We have spirits all the time when I was growing up in Japan. It can’t leave until Mr. Nakata takes some responsibility. We need to have the Reverend come out and help to release Mr. Nakata’s spirit.” And a couple days later, she took the Reverend down to the place to help.

The cartoon is part of the weekly North American Post cartoons drawn by Sam Goto. Sam’s mother was the oldest Nakanishi, married and living close by. She told us the story, “Of course the spirits come to show and remind us how to live. ‘Bachi ga tatta!’(If you don’t live right, you have to pay the consequences)”