
Thinking of a time when I was 4 or 5-years-old. My Dad invited this German couple, Cookie & Agnes Koch, to move their trailer home onto our farm yard next to our house so they could hook up to our electricity. That was on our farm in Sand Hollow, Idaho, during WWII. Boise, Idaho was about 30 miles away on highway 30.

I heard my parents talk about how the Kochs were behind with their electricity payment. The next day, I took it upon myself to go and say something to Agnes. That night, Mom and Dad had plans to go to a friend’s place for dinner.

We had a two passenger tan Chevrolet Coupe with a window ledge behind the one seat. That was my seat, to curl up and sit or lie down. I was in the car and waiting for Mom and Dad to put the hostess gifts of vegetables in the trunk and carry my baby sister into the car. Mrs. Koch came rushing down our driveway to our front door to apologize for not getting the payments to my parents.

Dad was SO embarrassed, he grabbed me out of the car. Took me back into the house, made me sit on the stool and made me stay home while they went to dinner. That’s one of the last times I remember crying and crying and crying, not being able to stop.

I considered it my fault so I never resented my parents. For sure, I learned that it was important to be considerate of other people and not embarrass my family.

It helped make me independent and not get overemotional about incidents. I also learned the Japanese ways of “Gaman” - self control, tolerance, patience. Maybe, that is also why it is easier for me to keep my mouth shut and do some thinking before saying things. It has served me well in the the seventy some years since that time.