Special Drawing for My Blog

Special Drawing for My Blog

According to Vilfredo Pareto, economist/sociologist of the early 1900s, 80% of the Italian wealth belonged to 20% of the population. Economists further determine that 80% of outcome in a business is accomplished by 20% of the employees.

In Parenting, we want our girls to learn to be part of that 20%. That also means overcoming the 20% of the negative odds that create 80% of our issues in life.

With no school and snowbound days, as the girls are spend too much time under comfy throw blankets on the living room couches. Mom is yelling, “Girls, get off your devices!”

The irony is that Mom is also on her devices because that is part of her “gotomedia” business of creating enticements that keep the world on their devices.

Grandma is also on her device writing stories for OMOIDE books and leaving a legacy.

One of the good habits in our household is that we never miss setting the table, calling everyone to dinner and having some discussions while we eat. Therefore, in discussing about Pareto Distribution, one of the conclusions is: “With a quick 20% more effort at the end of each day, our house will be 80% cleaner and ready for our next creative effort!!”

Another suggestion is: “With 20% more sleep, we can become 80% healthier.”

The conclusion? It takes “not too much effort” to make a mess. But it’s also “not that difficult” to make things a little bit better!