Drawing by my 14-yr-old gra...

Drawing by my 14-yr-old granddaughter

Youthful mind is part of IKIGAI: letting the 60,000 thoughts each day cross like clouds, carrying a spa with me wherever I go and knowing when to get in, reaching state of “flow”. Which of my activities drives my flow? The more I train my FLOW, the more I will find my Ikigai? How do I lead with LOVE?

“IKI” translates as the Japanese word for “Life”. “GAI” means “Value or Worth”.

Long conversations with others puts me in flow. When I spent 2 weeks with my Kailua cousin’s family, it was non-stop talking all day for the two-weeks, specially with Gay. For sure, that puts me in FLOW to be sharing stories about incidents related to topics we were discussing! Both Gay and I are proactive in creating households where parts of IKIGAI is sought most of the time. I like her examples of her husband and sons, who are in a good places in their lives.

I’ve stayed away from reading and listening to daily news. Most of it, I can’t do anything about and a lot of it would make my temperature rise. Racial harmony and successful integration is now news! I have three stations on my car radio: KING FM, KIRO Sports and NPR. I keep up some, but it's not part of my daily routine. Mostly, I want to share my personal WHOs, WHYs and HOWs; not leading my actions and progress in life with the loudest voices around.

My Ikigai “how” is: Continuous learning and growing and CHEER leading myself and others toward fulfillment in life.