

Today, as I was leaving the Panama Hotel Tea and Coffee Shop, I met Sally. Five minutes earlier or later, we would have missed each other. The reason this was a “serendipity” is because this morning, I received an email from John Aftebro.

A couple weeks ago, I randomly met John at the Panama and coincidentally learned that he owned the Kelly-Ross Pharmacy in Seattle’s Medical Dental Building and knew my husband Sam! John was at the Panama to finalize a program he is putting on-line about Jan, who owns the Panama, and what the enterprise she has created means to her.

Subsequently, I asked John by email, “How do you know Jan?”

This morning he apologized for not emailing me sooner but answered, “Jan’s cousin Sally is a good friends of ours.”

Therefore, when I was leaving this afternoon, Jan said, “Dee, this is my cousin.”

I countered, “You wouldn’t happen to be Sally??”

I'm convinced that these kind of happenings are verification of the connections with our Universal Mind.

My husband Sam and I first learned about the “Universal Mind” in 1976 when we took this PEOPLE COURSE. It’s the phenomena Napoleon Hill explains in his book THINK AND GROW RICH. We’re not just talking about money, but of “richness of our life experiences.”

The secret lies in learning how to maximize our SUBCONSCIOUS MIND and open the gates to the UNIVERSAL MIND! For some of us, this could take a lifetime to learn, but taking some self-help courses can shorten that phenomenon and lead to successful opportunities.

Sam and I decided to add it to our CHEER (being a cheer leader of life fulfillment for myself and others) program workbook as the illustration above. The sub-conscious mind is like a tape recorder. Some describe the sub-conscious mind as the real “self”.

The first secret of success is to learn to fill the sub-conscious mind with more positives. The only way to open the gates to the Universal Mind is to have more pluses than negatives in our sub-conscious!! I work to turn off the daily news and put up positive suggestion in the form of notes on my bathroom mirror. At the People Course, it was suggested we make a list of positive experiences, place it on our bedside stand and read it before we go to sleep,

I built my Nutrition business by: WRITING our questions in a positive framework; TRYING to solve the problem and then ASKING the universe for suggestions. This is best done as I go to sleep and the secret is to act on my inspiration as I awaken in the morning.

Opening the gates, from the Subconscious to the Universal Mind, opens us up to creativity, inventions, solutions, ideas for BECOMING INVOLVED WITH THINGS THAT MAKE LIFE BETTER!!