

According to Sudhguru, “connecting with source” starts with appreciating colors, wearing natural product created clothes, noticing sunrises and sunsets, being passionate with nature and exuberant about living.

Love is described as transitional sweetness of emotion. If my body become pleasant, I can call it good health. If my mind becomes pleasant, I can call it peace and or pleasure and further feel joy, blissfulness, ecstasy!

So today, as I am taking time to empty the dishwasher and clean the Kitchen sink, I am taking more time to appreciate the pleasantness of moments. It makes me feel good to see a clear kitchen counter ready for the next round of cooking and eating.

I come back to my room and it feels good to see a made bed, but some of yesterday’s socks are under the rebounder. I toss them into my laundry basket, then I take out the waste basket to be emptied into the garbage can outside. The sun is mid-day in the sky, there are a few clouds. How glorious to feel the cool November air.

Getting in the car to drive the 13-yr-old to Karate practice, I am explaining my feelings to her because I am asking her to do another watercolor to illustrate this blog.

I’m writing it all down and imagining how readers can be feeling their own joyful moments?

Neuroscientist at Stanford, Andrew Huberman, explains this thinking as “dopamine releasing” moments. Dr. Rahu Jandial, surgeon and neuroscientist, suggest we pay more attention to our breathing.

Growing up in the fundamental Christian home I agreed to be baptized at age six. I remember the other girl around age 10 went on and on about how she was transformed. At that time I thought, “Nothing changed for me?” I prayed as I walked to school. I still have the same habits of thinking-praying, but it’s becoming more fun. “SOURCE”? Hmmmm? Lots to learn!