Gift of family

Gift of family

As I was hiding Christmas gifts for the girls this 2022 holiday season, I found this story Grandpa Sam had written on the shelf of his writings and drawings in my closet. It is representative of the gift of life and the gift of family.

By Sam Goto

I was eight-years-old and living in Bully Creek, Oregon. We lived in a house Dad built on to an old chicken coop. This was before WWII – no electricity, no plumbing, an outside privy; but I have many memories of the place.

One memory is the time I was going through Mom’s medicine box. It contained Japanese herbal cures like “gorin” (small BB size silver pellets), a piece of brown root that had a medicinal odor that was shaved for tea.

The thing that interested me most was a dried up piece of something, light brown, wrapped in cellophane that looked like dried up cuttlefish. I remember asking Mom about it and she said: “It is your UMBILICAL CORD, saved especially for you. If you ever get real sick, we can make tea out of it and it will make you well!”

I never saw it after that or ever needed it. Maybe there was something to it. Stem cells are now being studied by scientists – Stem Cells?

Umbilical cord traditions in Japan:

In Japanese culture, many believe that the umbilical cord directly impacts the baby's health. So, when a mother gives birth in Japan, the hospital will usually give her a special box to preserve the cord after it falls from the baby's belly button.