"ONE" - of the several hundre...

"ONE" - of the several hundred lanterns floated at the
HIROSHIMA TO HOPE event on August 6, 2023

As posted on my blog, I read the Mary Fujita story at the event last Sunday. It was attended by several hundred people and 1000 lanterns were prepared to remind us all that it is important that Hiroshima and Nagasaki must not happen again.

I was part of the program so I was one of the first ones in the procession that followed the leaders to the dock where the candles were lighted and floated on to a spectacular Greenlake evening. I had to go to the bathroom so I made my way back through the massive crowd waiting to float their lanterns.  I did not stay for the rest of the evening. 

I had a guest with me and we chose to have clam chowder at Dukes and relieve ourselves with their facilities. Later we drove around the lake and saw some of the lanterns, but didn't find an easy place to view the whole lake.

Nana had mentioned earlier, on Sunday morning that she had been asked to take pictures.  I texed her, "Do you have lantern pictures?" 

She answered, "Yes Suzanne asked me to take photos so I got quite a few. I'll sort them later this week."

I responded, "Just want one."

Monday morning I awakened to a text from Nana with the picture of the "ONE" lantern :-) !!!