According to Meyers-Briggs, I...

According to Meyers-Briggs, I am an ENFJ or teacher

My New Year affirmation for 2024 is: "To bring my best to the table and focus on being nice." 
 My New year resolution is to keep learning and stay on my path of life - developing resources for HAPPIERNESS. I will focus on being nice. It is also recommended that I listen to my heart rather than my egotistical brain. 
Research suggests, the heart deals more with the "right brain" and bigger picture of art, and nature. GOODNESS, TRUTH & BEAUTY brings balance to our Western Culture of the focussed "left brain" on math, science, laws, monetary goals and accomplishments. 
According to Meyers-Briggs, I am ENFJ - Extroverted, Intuitive, Feeling and Judging. The explanations suggest, this makes me and inspiring optimist, open-minded, cooperative and organized. I'm happy with this.
I also took the Big 5 Personality Test:
Openness = 63.20%
Conscientiousness = 75.40%
Extraversion = 78.30%
Agreeableness = 93.90%
Neuroticism = 0.10%
I like learning, organizing my thoughts and sharing.