
Keep your troubles way behin...

Keep your troubles
way behind you.
Stay where happy things
can find you.




Being 85-yrs-along, I’m finding a new “love path” since Sam passed almost 7 years ago. My life purpose to keep learning and connecting, with more confidence, has expanded. I want to ENTICE each of you that I meet, virtually and in-person, to passionately share your own family legacy stories! 
For 41 years, every other month - Sam and I never missed - we put out a newsletter. DO IT NOW & HEAL-THY-SELF was for our nutrition and family counseling business, started in November 1976. We even called it BEHIND THE WISTERIA for a short time to start. That’s the meaning of our name “Goto”. 
As the girls left home for college in the 1980s, Sam and I usually started with breakfast at Dennys or IHop and then got to writing on a Saturday afternoon. We ran up and down from my office on the main floor to his desk in our basement, editing and re-editing each other’s work. Most of our time was spent re-re-editing!!
Sam usually started by handing me a drawing or a paragraph about some nutritional thought he wanted to highlight from newsletters we had subscribed to and books. His scribbling was terrible, like the handwriting I ascribe to doctors who wrote in charts when I was a nurse. 
I had to decipher Sam’s scribbling and add my thoughts as I opened Pagemaker on my computer. Sam refused to even learn to turn on a computer, but one time he opened the mechanism and helped me fix a problem. 

Sam always had a quote or aphorism to add that he had found or made up himself. 
Often, it was past midnight as we climbed the stairs to bed. As we lay in bed, feeling content with another accomplishment, Sam read some more for typos in the final four to eight pages of the 8x11 sheets, folded in half. 
Sam fell ill in November 2017. We never made it to issue #246.
Today 2024, I see that we are all human and learning for our own individual souls. There are no levels. We are all teachers/students and fulfill our own purpose by connecting and sharing.
P.S. My daughter wants me to add that we used one of the first and only industrial printers and scanners to print, fold and mail out our first newsletters. Also, we learned and researched topics before the internet was a source of information. We practiced talking with in-home meetings and hired our girls to baby-sit. 

We had topics like “live enzymes” and I came up with my signature story of the HEALTHY CELL which turns into HEAL-THY-SELF!  Here are a few of the hundreds of drawings Sam left, that take up one whole shelf in my closet.