
The beating of the heart is the first signs of life in a fetus. There are more messages going from the heart to receptors (40,000) in the brain according to research at HEART MIND INSTITUTE. There are 1500 chemical actions within 2 minutes with an emotion such as anger. Five minutes of recalling anger, tanks our IgA (immuneglobulin hormone) secretion for 6 hours.
Yesterday, I wrote out a new LIFE PURPOSE phrase in my for my current life journey:  LEARNING LOVE & SPREADING LOVE!
This morning, after dropping Kaori off at the high school, getting 3000 steps on my rebounder and checking messages, I was drawn to choose a Danica Patrick podcast interviewing Kimberly Snyder. Snyder’s research with Yogananda and Heart Mind Institute is truly a synchronicity find!!
Snyder demonstrates a “Heart Appreciation” exercise of a two-minute-breathing - placing my hand over my heart, imagining a person or place generating gratitude and gently breathing. One could even do this at a traffic red light.
We can learn to recognize more quickly when we are bumping up to over-thinking, a negative thought or action. We can learn to change the energy from Dark Heart to Clear Heart within 3 to 10 seconds with practice - old age and experience helps :-)