
This morning Cousin Gary sent me an email suggesting I listen to an interview with Dr. Dacher Keltner, Professor of Psychology at UC Berkley. There are a host of studies that measure actual changes in our brains as we practice “awe” producing activities that can overcome pain,  inflammation and problem emotions. 

Keltner says we can overcome many negative emotions by feeling “awe”. Last week I wrote that I want to learn more about love as part of my new path in life. This might be one of my lessons. Keltner also suggests “awe” is a form of love and we can deliberately fill our lower brain with awe/love.
I was thinking about some of the suggestions like walking in nature, thinking about big ideas, symbols, patterns, metaphors and using the right side of my brain. Obviously, I’m going to have to do some thinking and choosing of ideas that can help me develop some new daily habits.
Then I decided to email Cousin Gary to thank him for thinking of me. Suddenly, my computer screen cleared the email program and up popped a story I blogged in May about the burial of Sam’s ashes at Hillcrest Cemetery in Kent, WA, and the visit of the Dragon Fly on Nephew Brent’s chest during the ceremony and flew away when it was completed. The possibility is that the Dragon Fly was a visit of the Spirit of Sam, we all decided. The question now is: “Was that also the spirit of Sam visiting me today?” For sure it is a feeling of 
Last Thursday, I had lunch with Heidi and we spent the whole time talking about Sam’s energy being around us with the book my daughter Kelly wrote about her Dad and his cartoon strips. Heidi also shared some of the love David Branch is experiencing with his new girlfriend. 
Friday, I text David Branch to congratulate him and he text back that mysteriously Sam’s photo showed up on his iPhone when he got my message. Sam had never used an iPhone nor opened a computer. Kelly says iCloud can produce some such connections on the internet, but today’s appearance of the burial of Sam’s ashes is “AWESOME”!!!